1. From 10,001 to 50 000 US dollars or equivalent in national currency at the NBT rate
2. From 50,001 to 100 000 US dollars or equivalent in national currency at the NBT rate
3. From 100,001 US dollars or equivalent in national currency at the NBT rate
Interest Rate - US Dollars
1. 23% for new customers, up to 21% for repeat customers
2. 22% for new customers, up to 20% for repeat customers
3. 21% for new customers, up to 20% for repeat customers
Interest rate - Somoni
1. 27% for new customers, up to 25% for repeat customers
2. 26% for new customers, up to 24% for repeat customers
3. 25% for new customers, up to 24% for repeat customers
Loan Currency
US dollars or somoni
up to 36 months
Loan payment procedure
- Annuity payments (monthly in equal installments)
- Possibility to provide a grace period or an individual payment plan
Secured Loans
- Gold or gold items
- The property
- Deposit
- Car
- Goods in circulation
- Equipment or other household property
Required documents
For individual entrepreneurs:
- Application for a loan
- Patent or Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur
- A copy of the borrower s passport indicating the place of residence
- Copy of TIN
- Pledge documents
For legal entities:
- A copy of the charter
- Business plan or financial analysis
- Balance sheet and income statement approved by the tax authorities
- Supply agreement
- Certificate of registration with the tax authorities
- Certificate of debt from tax authorities
- Minutes of the meeting of founders on obtaining a loan
- Orders for the appointment of the head and chief accountant
- Copies of passports of founders, managers and chief accountants
- Submission of security documents
Replenishment of working capital, expansion of production capacity and turnover, purchase of fixed assets and other types of economic activities that do not contradict the current legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan
Special conditions
- Mandatory presentation of a patent or certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur for individual entrepreneurs
- Provision of loans to individual entrepreneurs and legal entities in the amount of not more than 5% of the Bank s regulated capital
- Possibility of pledge of movable property or valuables up to 30% of the total amount of the pledge